Vote for your favorite series here, add it to the top list, or simply find good anime to watch. . Code Geass. Japan is named Area 11 and ruled by the almighty . I love this anime!!!! It ranked second on my list of the top 5 animes i like !!!! 1) Naruto 2) Code Geass series 3) One piece 4) Bleach 5) Air Gear EDIT: For those of you wondering what the opening and ending song is it's Mosaic Kakera from the Code Geass OST This does contain majoir spoilers for 1 or 2 . The Empire of Britannia has invaded Japan using giant robot weapons called Knightmare Frames. Japan is now referred to as Area 11, and its people the 11's. A Britannian who . Code Geass is a political soap opera infused with plenty of sci-fi mecha action . Well, that about does it for my top ten anime series of the decade, and the end of yet another . View code top anime series top rated anime and manga. Create anime and manga favorites. . Top Anime Series Next 30 . Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 add Stream Full Anime episodes Online, Anime Movies, and Anime Series all . all the listed series we Top 10 Affiliates . Code Geass R3: New Anime Series Announced Monday, January 23rd . The Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion . Code Geass features character designs by CLAMP and won Best Anime TV Series at the 6th Annual Tokyo Anime Awards. . Great Science Fiction Anime; Top 20 Essential Anime Code Geass has received an award for the best anime series (short) at the American Anime Awards. . Anime code top anime series Top Anime
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